The Brother Edmond Drouin Library employs over a dozen student workers as Library Assistants who help us extend the reach of our services. These students play an important role in the Library and we’d like for you to get to know them. Please meet one of our student workers, Victoria Copfer.

Where are you from?
Avon Lake, Ohio
What are you studying?
AYA Language Arts
Why did you want to become a teacher?
In high school I helped with a program called PALS. There was a student who was from Iraq who they thought was non-verbal. He was able to say my name and his name. I was able to change the settings on his IPAD to Arabic and his eyes light up. From this I could tell that he was not non-verbal, but instead he did not understand English.
What activities are you involved in?
Soccer team, work at the library, I am also in the club for Exceptional Children
What is your favorite thing about Walsh?
My friends that I have met here.
What is something you know now that you wish you knew as a Freshman?
Don't try to control the uncontrollable.
How would you describe the library to a friend who has not been to the library?
A resourceful, quiet and welcoming environment.
What is a resource the library offers that other students may not know about?
OhioLINK- If Walsh does not have an item you are looking for, we might be able to get it through other colleges or univeristy's through OhioLINK.
Why do you like working in the library?
I like the people that I get to work with, its quiet and I like helping people finding things in the library.
What are your post graduate goals?
I would like to teach somewhere in the area, preferably at a high school. I also want to get my masters in English Language Learners. After I receive my masters I want to be an ELL teacher, to teach students who's first language is not English.