Please note that while some of these sites may have images that are in the public domain or can be used without permission, some may have images protected by copyright or license. If you aren't sure if an image is available for use, you can check the terms and conditions for the site. Also, check out the Copyright and Fair Use for Images guide from Duke University for helpful tips and information
Do you know where the artwork is located?
If you know which museum or gallery the artwork is located in, you can check that institution's website for more detailed information on the artwork, usually including high-quality images of the artwork. Many museums and galleries will provide the most up to date information on items in their collections.
The museum your artwork is located in may also have their own collection-specific guides to help researchers. Some examples are listed below.
If you aren't sure where your artwork is located or haven't picked a specific piece yet, here are some other resources for finding images.