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OER - Spanish: Spanish

Spanish Textbooks

Levendas y arguetipos del Romanticismo español - Robert Sanders, Portland State University

Acceso - an open-access, digital learning environment designed to promote the acquisition of Spanish and the development of cultural understanding of the varied groups of people who share Spanish as a common language

coerll: Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning The Center for Open Educational Resources & Language Learning (COERLL) is one of 16 National Foreign Language Resource Centers (LRC's) funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The overall mission of these federally-funded centers is to improve the teaching and learning of foreign languages by producing resources (materials and best practices) that can be profitably employed in a variety of settings.

OpenStax CNX - Spanish - Several open textbooks on topics related to learning the Spanish language

Spanish - Courses with Open Textbooks and Resources

Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative:

  • Spanish I - Spanish I can be adapted for a hybrid delivery system or solely distance delivery. The course is media-rich and interactive, driven by video that was shot on-site in Guadalajara, Mexico. Versions are available for low-cost use by instructor-led classes of enrolled students.

Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges Open Course Library:

Spanish - Support resources

  • Audiria - Free Spanish podcasts arranged by level of proficiency, with exercises, textbook, personal stats, and other learning resources.

  • World Language Resources - List of resources (for mostly French, Spanish and German) compiled as part of a federally funded grant to identify open educational resources for World Language teachers in Maine.

  • Spanish Language and Culture - Has study modules, interactive activities, links to other resources, video with audio.

  • Ojala que llueva cafe  - Subjunctive exercises with songs.

  • The Global Text Project - This source for digital texts makes them available in Chinese, English, and Spanish — though not all titles are available in every one of those languages. Subjects encompass business, computing, education, health, science, and social science. The books are divided between those available in HTML format and those available as PDFs.

  • SpinTX - Authentic Spanish Videos for Language Learning - Spanish language video clips with subtitles for teaching. Part of the Spanish In Texas Corpus project.

  • Spanish grammar in context - detailed grammar explanations of the Spanish language. Unlike traditional reference grammars, each topic is explained using authentic video examples from the Spanish in Texas project. Accompanying practice quizzes are available on an open Canvas course site.

  • MERLOT World Languages - An educational resource for teaching and learning languages. Free materials for for many different languages.

  • BBC Languages - Lessons, phrases, vocabulary, tests, and links to news sources in 40 languages. Site is no longer updated, but most resources are still very useful.

  • Lingu@net Worldwide - Comprehensive resource for a wide range of languages. Search by language, proficiency level, and source language. Each language has a large number of resources.

  • LangMedia - A collection of target language videos done by international students from the Five Colleges of Massachusetts in their home countries. Includes: Arabic, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Greek, Italian, and Portuguese.

  • Mis Cositas - Resources for Spanish, French, and Chinese. Includes: Videos, thematic curriculum units complete lesson plans, student worksheets and resources, downloadable materials collections with activities, manipulatives and mini-posters over 40 virtual illustrated picturebooks organized thematically, as well as a list of vetted links.

  • GLOSS - Global Language Online Support System from the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, CA. Lessons are developed for independent learners to provide them with the learning/teaching tools for improving their foreign language skills. Reading and listening lessons are based on authentic materials (articles, TV reports, radio broadcasts, etc.) and consist of 4 to 6 activities. Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Gulf-Arabic, Hebrew, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish.