What are the characteristics of a scholarly publication in the digital age?
Web publishing has complicated the identification of scholarly communications. Traditional cues such as publisher, press, and durability are no longer constant in the world of digital, scholarly communications. Findings from Leah Halliday’s work with scholars, librarians, and researchers has identified three characteristics:
- Scholarly Publications, such as articles and books, should not be changed after digital distribution.
- Different versions should be clearly identified so as to alert the community to changes.
- To satisfy all potential interest, trustworthiness should be based on 'institutionalised' measures such as peer review and this process should be evident to the community.
- Each publication should have at least one identifiable author.
- The potential audience must be made aware that the publication exists. Libraries are great partners for publicity.
- The publication should have metadata containing a minimum set of information, preferably including information about all versions. Metadata will enable others to find it.
- The author must intend that the publication be made publicly available in a durable form over the long term.
- The publication must be durably recorded on some medium.
- The publication must be reliably accessible and retrievable over time. Supporting institutions have a responsibility to support long-term accessibility.
- There should be a commitment not to withdraw the publication by the author(s).
- The publication must be publicly available, i.e. available to any member of the public on demand as of right, whether for payment of a fee or not.
- The publication should have stable identifiers.
Works Cited
Halliday, L. (2001). Scholarly communication, scholarly publication and the status of emerging formats.Information Research, 6(4). Retrieved from: http://InformationR.net/ir/paper111.html