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Research Instruments/ Measurement Tools: Home

Resources: Descriptions and Search tips

Resources: Descriptions and Search Tips
Sources Descriptions Search Tips
CINAHL Indexes Nursing and Allied Health literature and provides the detailed descriptions of over 350 popular instruments.

Find a Specific Test  Search by instrument name or acronym and limit to the Publication Type: Questionnaire/Scale [documents with partial or complete examples of questionnaires or scales] or Research Instrument [special CINAHL records that describe research instruments and may have an instrument appended];

Find Test for a Variable Search by keyword in the Instrumentation field and/or limit to the Publication Type: Tests/Questionnaires; OR search by keyword in the Instrumentation Index (click on More at the navigation bar at the top of the page and select Indexes)

Find Test Reviews Search by instrument name and additional subject headings such as (MH "Reliability and Validity+"); OR limit search results by selecting Publication Types: Research Instrument Utilization or Research Instrument Validation

ERIC (Education Resources Information  Educational Resources Information Center. EBSCOhost Interface. Index and abstracts of articles, books, and documents covering education research and practice.  
Google Internet search engine 

Find a Specific Test Search by keyword; use Advanced Search to limit to file type such as pdf, or domain such as edu

Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print Describes more than 2,000 standardized English-language tests that assess personality, aptitude, achievement, intelligence, and other neuropsychological behavior. Only the descriptive material and reviews are available full-text. The tests are available for purchase. Coverage is 1989 - present.

Find a Specific Test Search by instrument name or acronym

Find Test for a Variable Search by keyword

Find Test Reviews Click on the Has Review box Limit

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses

Comprehensive index to dissertations and theses from all fields of study, 1861-present. Full text of any dissertations not online is available through interlibrary loan.


Find a Specific Test/Find Test for a Variable Search by instrument name or by variable.  Check the appendices of dissertations for the full-text instruments used.

PsycInfo Produced by the American Psychological Corporation, index of citations to the international literature of psychology

Find a Specific Test Search by instrument name or acronym in one search box; in another search box type in the word ‘appended’ and select the TM (Tests and Measures) field. OR

Find Test for a Variable Search by keyword in the Tests and Measures field

Find Test Reviews Search by instrument name in the Tests & Measures or Keyword or Abstract fields; add additional thesaurus terms such as Test Validity, Test Reliability in the Subjects field

PubMed Biomedical database including MEDLINE

Find Specific Test Search by instrument name or acronym and terms such as scale, observation, questionnaire, etc.

Find Test for a Variable Search by keyword and additional keywords or Medical Subject Heading (MESH) terms such as scale, observation, questionnaire, psychological tests[mh], etc.

Find Test Reviews Use keywords such as validity, reliability or use MeSH terms such as validation studies[pt], validation studies as topic[mh], reproducibility of results[mh]

RAND Health  "All of the surveys and tools from RAND Health are public documents, available without charge (for non-commercial purposes). Some materials listed are not available from RAND Health. Links will take you to other websites, where you will find instructions for use."

Find a Specific Test/Find Test for Variable Click on Surveys, browse by categories such as quality of life

Web of Science  Multidisciplinary databases covering journals in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities, with searchable cited references.

Find a Specific Test Search by instrument name and sort results by times cited; view original articles describing the instrument development for clues on how to obtain

Find Test for a Variable Search by keyword and limit

Find Test Reviews Run Cited Reference Search on the original article describing the instrument to find citing articles that may discuss validity and/or reliability of the instrument; OR search by instrument name in the Title field and additional terms such as validity, validation, reliability, etc. in the Topic field


This table is derived from the University of Washington Health Sciences Library. For more information please see their website