What is the NCLEX? The NCLEX exam, also known as the National Council Licensure Examination, is a standardized exam that each state board of nursing uses to determine whether or not a candidate is prepared for entry-level nursing practice.
How long is the NCLEX test? The NCLEX exam is a multiple choice and uses an interactive system called Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) to gauge the test takers' level of competence. RN candidates will answer a minimum of 75 questions and LPNs a minimum of 85 questions. After you have answered the minimum number of questions, the computer will attempt to access if the test taker is passing or failing. If the test taker is too close to the pass/fail line, he/she will continue to answer questions until a final assessment can be made. RN candidates may take a maximum of 265 questions, LPN candidates a maximum of 205.
You will have 5 hours in which to complete the exam. This includes the time set aside for the introductory computer tutorial and for two 10-minute breaks.
What topics are covered in the NCLEX test?
Safe, Effective Care Environment | Psychosocial Integrity |
Health Promotion and Maintenance | Physiological Integrity |
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