Multiple Authors, Openstax College
Anatomy and Physiology is a dynamic textbook for the yearlong Human Anatomy and Physiology course taught at most two- and four-year colleges and universities to students majoring in nursing and allied health. A&P is 29 chapters of pedagogically effective learning content, organized by body system, and written at an audience-appropriate level. The lucid text, strategically constructed art, inspiring career features, and links to external learning tools address the critical teaching and learning challenges in the course.
Carlos Liachovitzky, Bronx Community College
The overall purpose of this preparatory course textbook is to help students familiarize with some terms and some basic concepts they will find later in the Human Anatomy and Physiology I course.
A two semester course offered by Carnegie Mellon University. Developed with best practices in applied learning theory, this course offers an active learning experience for any student in the form of pre-tests, ample practice opportunities, 3D interactive images, walkthrough videos, and other special tools and applications that will increase your comprehension of anatomy and physiology. Ultimately, your understanding of the material offered in this course will provide you with a solid foundation to explore careers in the health and fitness industries.
Basic Human Anatomy - online anatomy textbook developed at Dartmouth Medical School. This text is freely available but is not open source.
MERLOT - Health sciences community - an educational resource for health professionals. Sponsored and supported by the California State Universities.
Resources include:
Best Practices for Teaching with Emerging Technology - 2nd edition - authored by Michelle Pacansky-Brock, this open version describes the latest technologies and ways to use them in the classroom.